A downloadable game

Breakout Bunny was created for Ludum Dare 38 for the theme "A Small World" by AAGH Games. You can find it on Ludum Dare here.

In Breakout Bunny you play as a rabbit who eats a few too many Growth Pellets and ends up escaping to explore and find more Pellets to eat. Breakout Bunny is a very short side-scrolling adventure-style platformer where you explore and interact with your environment to find the items that you need to progress.

You can play Breakout Bunny with either your keyboard or a controller.

Movement: Arrow keys/Left Joystick

Use: Left Ctrl/A buttton (Xbox 360 controller)

Jump: Spacebar/Y button (Xbox 360 Controller)

The Use key interacts with things in the background behind the bunny. Line up in front of something you want to use and press the Use key and see what kind of responses you get.


breakoutbunny-ld38.zip 15 MB

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